Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Insanity Max:30-Am I insane for WANTING to do this?

For those who don't know, I started my Beachbody journey with 21 Day Fix in July of 2014.  It hasn't been a consistent, easy road by any means.  However, I have NOT given up.  

When my coach said that all the coaches in our group should do Insanity Max:30 when it came out, I thought she was nuts. No WAY was I going to do that!  I'd seen the infomercials for Insanity.  I wanted nothing to do with it.  Then I got to thinking.  Why SHOULDN'T I try it?!  I can't tell my challengers about it if I know nothing about it.  Sure, the name is SCARY, but it can't really be THAT bad, can it???

So I bit the bullet and I ordered it the day it came out.  It came about a week later.  I got curious the first day I had it, and I tried it.  I maxed out in 2 minutes and 36 seconds.  TWO AND A HALF MINUTES!  I was thoroughly convinced the program was going to kill me.  I couldn't even finish the warm up. And so it sat on the shelf in the entertainment center while I finished a third round of 21 Day Fix.  The whole time, it was TAUNTING me, calling my name.  "Sheeeeeeeena....you KNOW you want to max out.  What are you WAITING for????  Stop stalling!"

Okay, so I did have a valid reason for stalling.  I had committed to a test group that doesn't start until January 5th.  Anyone who knows me well will tell you, though, that patience are NOT my thing.  I am TERRIBLY impatient.  I want things done NOW.  By this point, I had researched it TO DEATH.  I discovered that the point of the program WAS to MAX OUT.  You are supposed to push as hard as you can for as long as you can.  When you can't go any longer without taking a breather or doing the moves correctly, that's your max out point.  You WANT to max out.  Then you write down that time, and the goal is to beat it the next time you do that workout.  

Well, okay.  That makes sense.  So on Christmas Day, I couldn't take it anymore.  I HAD to max out.  I had slipped on the ice almost a week before and hadn't been working out.  I needed a push, and a GOOD one. So I had AJ take my "before" pictures, and away I went! For those thinking, "Oh, that GIRL.  She should NOT be pushing with an injured knee!!!"-don't worry.  There is a modifier, and I didn't push beyond my limits.  :D

I am proud to say that on my second try at the first workout, I made it over 6 minutes!!  Every day, I make it a little farther.  I do modify some moves.  I can't jump too much, so the jumping moves are always modified.  But when I come to a move that I think I can do without modifying, I GO FOR IT!!! 

 I am once again looking forward to getting up and working out every morning.  There is no better way to start the day than with a huge endorphin rush.  I'm almost a week into the program, and I am LOVING it.  I am even working a lot harder at sticking to the eating plan than I ever have before because I want to see AWESOME results from this program.  

I will keep everyone updated with progress photos and such throughout the program.  I can't wait to see how my body changes over the next 60 days!

Saturday, December 13, 2014


Welcome to my new blog! Here you will find information on me, you'll be able to follow my health and fitness journey, my motherhood journey, you'll find clean recipes and find out more about what I do as a health and fitness coach with Beachbody!  Please feel free to leave comments or questions for me any time.  :)  Thank you for visiting and check back often!