Thursday, January 22, 2015

DAY 5 of Parasite Cleanse and LAST DAY of Tabata Strength!!

So yesterday I told you all about this cleanse that I'm doing to rid myself of parasites.  I shared with you how awful the tincture tastes, too.  Well, I'm here to tell you today that the horrible taste and the funny looks from people watching you scratch like you have fleas for a day or so are worth it!!  My energy is better than it's EVER been.  

When I got home around 3:30 yesterday, it was still pretty light out, and the weather was a balmy 20 degrees.  (Hey, I live in Northern Minnesota...20 degrees in January is a HEAT WAVE!)  I pulled into the driveway and parked in front of the wood that my husband had cut for our outdoor wood boiler.  I was thinking of going for a walk because I had this crazy amount of energy which is unusual for me that time of day, but I didn't want to take my kids out in the cold for that long.  Instead, I got the bright idea to surprise my husband and stack the wood for him.  I ran in the house, changed, and ran right back out and spent the next hour tackling that wood pile.  Never ever before would I have had the energy to do this.  It was insane!  I couldn't believe how great I felt!  I just kept stacking until I ran out of cut wood to stack.  When I was done, the pile was taller than me! 

Last night, I slept through the night for the first time in YEARS.  I woke up this morning so energized and ready to take on the day.  I did the last day of Insanity Max:30 Tabata Strength.  My previous max out time was around 9 minutes or something.  Today, I was shooting for 12 unmodified as much as I could.  Weeeeellllllllll, with the exception of the push-ups that I did on my knees, I modified NOTHING, and I made it to 20:43 before I maxed out!!  INSANE!!!  I was completely blown away! I felt like the Energizer Bunny.  I just kept going and going and GOING.  

Between this cleanse, eating clean, and working out daily, I am on track to have one kick ass year in 2015 health-wise.  I can't wait to see how great I feel by this time next year!

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