Thursday, March 5, 2015

Ultimate Reset-Day 5

Today's blog post is brought to you by the letters S and F for SHORT FUSE.(I bet you thought I was going to say something naughty!)  Oh my goodness.  I have ZERO patience today, and everything is making me want to scream and/or cry.  I just keep telling myself that it's a sign that the cleanse is working.

My day started out with me oversleeping which I never do.  I must've been tired!  Then I had steel cut oats with apple chunks and walnuts.  It was SO GOOD!! 

 For lunch, I had a quinoa salad with cucumbers and cherry tomatoes.  I seriously think that is THE BEST thing I have had yet!  

I seemed extra accident-prone today, too.  I whacked my head on a shelf at work, ran into a post at the gas station with my car, and fell down the stairs at home.  I don't think this has anything to do with the detox, but it sure didn't help my mood.  It is a full moon tonight, so maybe that has something to do with it. 

The good news is I am starting to get over my cravings, and my body seems to be adjusting to 3 meals a day.  I didn't even have a snack today!  I never thought I would enjoy a meal plan that omitted meat and dairy, but I am really starting to develop a love for vegetables.  I have always liked a fair amount of them, but now I am learning new ways to cook them, and it makes them even better!

It is also quite pleasant to not need caffeine to get through my day, especially since I enjoyed mine in the form of diet soda a,k.a poison in a 20 oz bottle.  I feel like I am sleeping so much better since I'm not drinking caffeine during the day, too.  And my belly is starting to shrink!  I am SO excited about that!!  

Now, I am off to take my tired, grumpy accident-prone butt to bed.  :O)

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