Saturday, March 21, 2015

Ultimate Reset Day 20

I missed a few days of posting.  Sometimes, life is just hectic, and mine has been the last few days!! Being a coach, mom, and full-time student leaves my plate full most of the time.  I can promise you I have kept on my journey even if I haven't been posting because my health is on the top of my list of priorities.  I can't offer my best to others if I'm not giving it to myself!

The last few days of Reset have been mentally tough.  I am just ready to be done.  I miss meat. I miss cheese.  I missed working out REALLY bad, so I did get back into that yesterday.  I didn't push myself too hard.  It felt SO good to move and work my body, though!!  

At this point, I haven't weighed myself.  I can tell you that I feel pretty good.  My skin is SO soft and more clear than it's ever been.  I really do feel like I'm glowing for the first time ever.  I have been sleeping great. I fall asleep right away at night, and I stay asleep all night.  I've never been a good sleeper, so this is something that I am greatly pleased about.  I have also noticed that my teeth seem to be a lot more white, and I'm sure that's from not drinking any pop or coffee, and I've also heard that certain foods like strawberries help whiten your teeth, and I've been eating a lot of those!  

I did discover a food that I have become completely OBSESSED with.  Actually, a couple of foods.  I found this stuff at our grocery store called broccoli cole slaw.  It's shredded broccoli, carrots, and cabbage, and it is SO GOOD added to salads with baby greens and spinach.  Another thing I really love on my salads is sprouted pumpkin seeds.  These are a little more expensive, but the bag lasts forever.  They are also super good as a snack if you toast them in the oven at 450 for around 5 minutes with a little bit of olive oil and Himalayan salt.  

The broccoli slaw I found at our small grocery store in town, and the pumpkin seeds I got at the health food store.  I keep the pumpkin seeds in the fridge to help them last longer.  I've had this bag for 3 weeks, eat them almost every day, and you can see there is still quite a bit left in there.  

Tomorrow is my LAST DAY.  I feel like I have learned a lot about myself doing this cleanse.  I already knew I was an emotional eater and one to eat when I was bored, but I have found alternative methods to dealing with my feelings other than eating.  I also learned that I am terrible at remembering to take pills.  They aren't my thing.  I've missed the supplements a few times on this journey.  Whoops.

I am looking forward to completing 21 Day Fix Extreme over the next 3 weeks, and I know it will be easier to stick to the meal plan after completing Ultimate Reset as most of my cravings are gone, and the meal plan for Extreme isn't nearly as restrictive.  I am going to miss the detailed meal plan, though.  I think that was my favorite part of Ultimate Reset!  It took all the guess work out of every meal of the day. 

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