Saturday, March 7, 2015

Days 6 & 7-Ultimate Reset

I realized last night when I finally crawled into bed at 11:30 that I forgot to post, so you're going to get a summary of yesterday and today in one post.  :)

Yesterday, I woke up and was absolutely AMAZED at how much my stomach had started shrinking.  I wasn't planning on sharing any progress pictures until the end of the process, but I had to share because I was so blown away!

I still have a lot of progress to make, but I was quite pleased with these results after just six days!  I booked our family vacation to Wisconsin Dells today, so that's even more motivation to stick to this and hit my workouts hard after I finish.  

Today I am now going to refer to as the day I decided to become a vegetarian.  I never ever dreamed I would say this, but I am starting to LOVE fruits and veggies so much.  I had a huge plate of fresh fruit for breakfast this morning, and each bite was a flavor explosion in my mouth.  It was so delicious.  My husband made burgers on the grill tonight for him and the kids, and when he brought them in the house, I almost threw up.  They smelled so bad.  I am a HUGE burger fan, but it smelled awful to me!  I haven't been this repulsed by the smell of meat since I had morning sickness with my first pregnancy.  

Tomorrow is the start of phase two.  I'm a little bit nervous about the detox supplement.  I'm really hoping it doesn't upset my stomach because I have a rather sensitive stomach.  All the reviews I have read have said that it is gentle on the system, so I'm probably just being paranoid for no reason.  :)  

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