Monday, March 16, 2015

Ultimate Reset-Day 16

Today shall forever be known as the day I had a major panic attack in the bathroom.  

So last night, I had beets and asparagus for supper.  I LOVE beets, so I ate my fair share.  I warned my children that if their pee was orange or pink today, it was from the beets and there was no need to panic.  I should've taken my own advice...

Breakfast today was Chocolate Vegan Shakeology with coconut oil and a side of fresh raspberries and strawberries.  YUM!!  

Lunch was cabbage salad.  It was DISGUSTING.  I barely ate.  

I spent all day with a HORRIBLE headache and stiff neck.  I was pretty sure I was coming down with something.  I even came home and took a nap after work because I felt SO rotten.

Supper was a baked sweet potato and steamed veggies. It was ok.  I didn't eat much because I still wasn't feeling that great.  

Ok, the rest of this is TMI, so if you have a problem with poop, stop reading here.  If not, read on.  So after supper, I had a major stomach ache. Kind of a crampy in my guts, yucky feeling. I went to the bathroom, and had a pretty decent movement.  When I wiped, I just about had a heart attack.  The toilet paper was all RED.  For a good 20 seconds (which feels like an eternity when you think you're dying), I was convinced that I had a GI bleed or something.  Then I remembered....the BEETS.  I had a pretty good laugh at myself after I got done panicking.  Strangely enough, after I went to the bathroom, my neck quit hurting and my headache got a lot better.  I must have been holding on to a bunch of toxins.  

I am down to just SIX DAYS, and I am SO looking forward to being done!!  

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