Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Ultimate Reset-Day 4

Today I learned that I hate lentils.  Really, really, hate them.  I literally had to force myself to not throw up.  I have a major thing with textures.  I am really struggling to eat all these beans, but I'm getting them down.  I just couldn't do the lentils.  I think my face speaks for itself.

I woke up this morning at 5:30 with no alarm.  I watched TONS of videos on reviews of the Ultimate Reset before I decided to do it, and when the people said they would literally jump out of bed in the morning, I thought they were lying.  While I didn't quite jump, I didn't have to drag myself kicking and screaming like I normally do!  I felt pretty fabulous until about 3 pm.

As you go through the Reset, you become more in tune with your habits regarding everything, not just eating.  I am learning a lot about myself.  I am really struggling to get through some of my bad habits like gorging on crap every afternoon between 3 & 4 pm.  I've been doing it for as long as I can possibly remember, and it's such an AWFUL habit.  I'm about to get a little sappy here, so just bear with me for a minute (another part of Reset-dealing with your emotions).

The lady pictured below is my grandma.  The baby is me.  From the time I was born until she passed away when I was 27, she was a daily part of my life.  I didn't go to daycare as a child.  My grandma took care of my brother and me when my parents were at work.  My grandma was a food pusher.  My dad jokes that if she would've pushed drugs the way she pushed food, she would have been a millionaire.

My grandma spoiled me rotten.  I won't deny it.  Whatever I wanted for food, I got.  She never tried to make me eat anything healthy, either.  When I was in elementary school, I rode the bus to her house every day after school, and every day, she would either have a Totinos pizza, pizza rolls, chicken strips, or those little square southern style hashbrowns and Dr. Pepper waiting for me.  Whatever I wanted, I got.  This continued on through high school.  I basically ate 4 meals a day.  Normally, this is fine, but none of the meals I was eating were overly healthy.  Everything was processed, pretty much.  Back in the 1980s and 90s, we didn't know that was so bad.  

I never realized it until today but I have continued to keep that habit of eating crap in the late afternoon.  I'm not even hungry most of the time, it's just a habit.  Maybe it's an emotional thing because I miss my grandma so much.  I don't know.  What I do know is I'm going to take full advantage of this Reset and kick that habit once and for all.  

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