Sunday, March 22, 2015

Ultimate Reset-DAY 21!!!!

I DID IT! I completed the Beachbody Ultimate Reset!!!!  YAY!!!!  I am SO excited that I stuck it through to the end and actually completed it. It wasn't without some bumps in the road, some hiccups along the way, but it is DONE.  I didn't quit.  

I lost a total of 10 pounds and TWELVE INCHES!!!  I was STUNNED to see that I lost that many inches!  I'm sleeping better, my skin is SO clear, and my energy is finally starting to pick up.  I am ready for my next journey!  

What's next, you ask?  Well that would be 21 Day Fix Extreme!!  I'm kicking it off tomorrow with Plyo Extreme.  Beachbody CEO, Carl Daikeler, posted this message on his Facebook page on Friday: 

"This Monday the Beachbody Challenge Du Jour can do a lot of good for a lot of people!

Complete “Plyo Fix Extreme” from 21 Day Fix Extreme as your workout on the Beachbody On Demand platform Monday 3/23/15 between 12:01 AM PT to 11:59PM PT – and I’m donating $100 to IjmInternational Justice Mission to help end slavery, up to $100,000!

Last Monday 500 people did Plyo Fix Extreme. So the question is; can we double it this Monday?

I’ll be doing my workout at 5:30AMPT if you care to join me – but that’s beside the point. If you’re a member of Team Beachbody club and complete the Plyo Fix Extreme on Monday – your workout counts and $100 goes to truly make a difference. I hope you share this, and I hope we can count on your workout!"

If you would like to join me and the rest of my team, you can do so by contacting me here or email me and I will help you get started!!!

Watch for updates on my 21 Day Fix Extreme journey as well as my thoughts on the program.  I'm even planning on sharing a few of my favorite Fix Extreme-approved meals!!  

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