Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Ultimate Reset-Day 10

Yes, I know I'm a little bit late with my post.  I'm sorry.  I was on a really awesome team call for our Beachbody coaching team last night, and was all inspired to get to work afterward and I just plain forgot to post!  

Yesterday, I FINALLY got over my headache.  I was seriously starting to think it was never going to go away.  I was also quite excited to get dressed yesterday and discover that the dress pants that I couldn't even GET ON a few months ago were loose!  Yay!!

I am officially on the downhill slide of this program.  I am feeling pretty good.  I am a little bit nervous about completing it because it's been really nice having all three meals a day laid out for me.  I AM super excited to be done, though, so that I can work out again. I am itching like crazy to get moving, sweat, and start carving out some muscle on this mom body!  Summer is COMING and I'm going to be READY.  I may even buy shorts for the first time since I was about 10.  :D

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