Thursday, April 9, 2015

SHAKEOLOGY!!! Why you NEED it and why you should buy it from a coach.

What is Shakeology?  It is an extremely yummy meal replacement shake that is LOADED with nothing but ingredients that our bodies need and usually don't get from our daily eating habits.  I'm not going to bore you with the long list of superfoods that are in it, but I will tell you what it's done for me.  

Since I started drinking Shakeology 9 months ago, my blood sugars are level for the first time IN MY LIFE.  I've ALWAYS had problems with crashing several times a day, and now I can't even tell you the last time that happened.  

It has pretty much taken away my bad cravings for most things.  It's pretty rare that I want to sit down and demolish a bag of chips or half a dozen cookies.  

My digestion is regular for the first time since I had kids.  After I had my gallbladder out, my digestion went from wacky to downright awful.  Within 3 weeks of starting Shakeology, it was normal again!

Oh, and don't even get me STARTED on how fast my hair is growing since I started drinking it.  I have always had short hair, but my trips to the salon were getting quite frequent, so I've given in and am letting my hair grow.  :D

I've heard over and over again that Shakeology is TOO EXPENSIVE, though.  Well, I guess that is a matter of perception.  To me, it isn't. It works out to just over $4 a day for customers and only $3.25 a day for coaches.  If you're going to go out for coffee or lunch, it is going to cost more than that, sometimes even more than double!  Plus, I can personally tell you that I haven't been to the doctor ONCE since I started drinking it daily.  My whole family got influenza this winter, but I didn't, and I'm normally the first one to get sick!  

So why shouldn't you buy it on eBay, Amazon, or other places online you might find it that aren't directly through a coach or Beachbody?  Well, would you buy your groceries through eBay? My absolute number one concern with this is SAFETY.  Shakeology is a FOOD.  It has an expiration date.  When you buy it through your coach, it comes directly from Beachbody, it is fresh, and it is sealed.  It also comes with a bottom-of-the-bag money back guarantee.  Even if you drink the whole bag, you can still return it in the first 30 days for a refund if you don't believe it's working for you.

I have heard horror stories of people buying Shakeology on eBay and getting bags that weren't sealed, product that was tainted, or having a bag that was filled with SAND instead of Shakeology!!  To me, the risk just isn't worth it to save $10, $20, even $30, especially when you can sign up as a coach and save over $30 every single time you buy it!

Another reason to buy from a coach is because part of their job is selling Shakeology.  This is how they make their money to support their families.  To me, it is the same as shopping locally versus buying from a big box store.  Yes, you might pay a little more, but you are helping to support a family that you KNOW.  I personally shop locally as much as I possibly can because I would rather support families in my small town than large corporations.  

If you are interested in trying Shakeology, I URGE you to please contact your coach!  If you don't have a coach, contact me here!  I would be happy to help you get started on your journey to a healthier you.  

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