Monday, April 6, 2015

SMILE!! You're going to get there!

I spent all weekend trying to decide what program I was going to do when my April accountability group started today.  I am just under 100 days away from my trip to Nashville for Beachbody Summit, so I knew it needed to be something that was going to give me kick ass results because I may or may not have raided my kids' Easter candy one too many times yesterday.  
Having access to Beachbody On Demand opens a HUGE library of programs to choose from, so it wasn't an easy decision.  I had to take into account that I don't have much time, so something that is 30 minutes or less was a requirement. I decided to go with P90X3.

Um, HELLO!!!  That workout is NOT easy, but it's effective!  Several hours after I finished it, my abs are STILL SO SORE!  

So why am I smiling even though I'm dripping sweat and am beet red?  Because I accomplished something this morning that I have NEVER done.  I did a FULL WORKOUT without modifying ANY moves!!!  

Just three short months ago, I was laying on my yoga mat bawling my eyes out after a workout because I still couldn't do a sit up without pushing myself up with my elbows.  I was so broken hearted.  I thought for sure at that point that I would have been able to, that my abs would've been stronger.

Today, I did it.  I was able to go from laying flat with my legs out and my arms over my head to sitting up into a V.  And then I fell over laughing like a crazy person.

Don't stop. If you've recently started on your fitness journey, DO NOT STOP.  It is a JOURNEY.  You aren't going to get fit overnight.  It's going to take time.  It's going to take patience.  When you get there, you are going to be so ecstatic and that the pay off for that goal that you thought was going to be impossible to reach is going to seem SO much sweeter!

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