Monday, May 4, 2015


You've seen my blog.  You've read my posts.  You know I'm a Beachbody coach.  Now you are wondering what EXACTLY is a Beachbody coach. and could YOU do it???

The answer is YES.  Honestly, ANYONE could do this.  All it takes is a willingness to improve your own life and health while helping others improve theirs.  You don't have to be a salesperson.  I'M not a salesperson.  I had a telemarketing job when I was 18 calling business to business.  I got fired after 3 months because I was SO BAD at it.  I HATE salespeople.  I would never be involved in a company like that.  I am a SHARE person.  I share my own experience with Beachbody products.  They work well for me.  I share the opportunity to join my monthly challenge groups on Facebook.  Challenge groups are what I firmly believe has led to my success in my health and fitness journey.  I share my journey of not only my physical fitness, but also my mental and spiritual fitness as well.  I hope that by doing this, I inspire others to take charge of their own health and wellness, even if it isn't with Beachbody programs.

So what exactly DO I do as a Beachbody coach besides be one of those super annoying, constant selfie-takers?  Well, I workout daily, I drink my Shakeology daily, I run a monthly accountability group for 10-30 people who are starting on their own journey, I mentor my new coaches and help them grow as coaches, I read or listen to 20 minutes of personal development a day, and I invite people to join me on this journey.

What's in it for me as a coach?  I get a super awesome discount every month on everything including my Shakeology (which you can also get without actually coaching!  Ask me how).  I get to take trips with my friends who are also coaches.  I get paid a nice compensation plan that has helped me massively pay off debt.  But most importantly, I get to HELP people.  I get to cry with them and try to help them through some of their biggest struggles.  I get to celebrate with them when they reach goals they never thought they'd reach.  I get to be their friend, cheerleader, and mentor.  And I get to do all of this and still have time to raise my babies and spend time with my family.

Honestly, I can't think of anything I would rather do in the whole world.  I am so unbelievably thankful for this opportunity.  It has been such a blessing in my life.  If this sounds like something you would like to do or want more information on, contact me here via email or fill out this application.  I am looking for 5 new people to mentor on my team who want to be their best, physically and mentally while earning financial freedom.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Why didn't he just tell me I was fat?

One year ago yesterday, I went to the doctor for the second time in less than a month. I had convinced myself that my thyroid wasn't functioning and I needed to be medicated. I couldn't lose the baby weight from my pregnancy with Emy, I was tired all the time, I was kind of depressed, and I even convinced myself that my eyebrows were falling out.  Yes, I was a little bit of a hypochondriac.  Dr. Google didn't help.  NEVER Google your symptoms.  You'll go from having a cold to dying in about 5 seconds flat. 
On my first visit, my doctor ran my labs but they came back fine. He suggested that maybe I was having a prolonged case of postpartum depression and I should think about trying Prozac. I refused. I wasn't depressed! It was my hormones! I went back a few weeks later, still complaining, and now complaining that my cycles were ridiculous. He decided to put me on a synthetic hormone. I took it for 4 days and gained TWELVE POUNDS. I threw it in the garbage.  The picture on the left is from day 3 of those awful pills.  He told me to take them for SIX MONTHS.  I would've been 300 lbs!!

You know how they say hindsight is 20-20? Well, it is. Looking back, what my doctor should have said at my FIRST visit was, "Sheena, you need to get up and DO SOMETHING. Stop sitting on your butt. Stop eating garbage. Stop drinking pop from sun up to sundown." I mean, come on. I was 195 lbs at 5'2". That's a BMI of 35, for crying out loud! Anything over 30 is considered obese. I know BMI isn't an accurate indicator of someone's health all the time, but it was OBVIOUS that I needed to lose weight. My problem was not my hormones. It was that I was lazy and slowly killing myself with food and inactivity.
Today, I am healthy. I'm not tired all the time. I'm not depressed. And my eyebrows aren't (and never really were) falling out. And as you can see by the picture, I'm obviously losing weight. I haven't been back to the doctor since that last day. Not because I'm mad at him or protesting. I actually have a ton of respect for him, and I still take my kids to see him. I'm just not convinced I'm dying anymore. I KNOW I'm healthy and as long as I continue my path of exercise, Shakeology, and proper nutrition in general, I will stay healthy.