Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Now Hiring!!!

I am so thankful every single day for the opportunity to join Beachbody as a coach so that I can better myself physically, mentally, and financially while helping others do the same.  I cannot even begin to tell you everything that has changed for the positive in my life since joining this company.  Just a highlight of a few things are:

-I have lost over 30 lbs.
-I have gotten control over my thyroid, blood sugar, and hormone imbalance issues.
-I have gained a lot of self-confidence.
-I have made a ton of new friends.
-I have paid off my car and 3 credit cards.
-I no longer have to work full time outside the home, and I don't live paycheck to paycheck.

I am looking to expand my team and share this wealth with others.  I want to take on 10 apprentice coaches to mentor, support, and share this opportunity with.

I want my apprentices to be like me: driven, goal-oriented, dedicated, and FUN.  You do NOT need to be in great shape or the best clean-eater.  In fact, works in progress are PERFECT.  I'M a work in progress!  I want team members who I can identify with!  I want people who are willing to let Beachbody workout programs and Shakeology change their health, bodies, and lives like they have changed mine.

You must be willing to put in some hard work now to have the easy life down the road.  I won't lie.  This isn't a get-rich-quick opportunity.  Just like with fitness, the best results are the ones you work for, and they take some time.  The possibilities are endless, though, so long as you are willing to put in the work.  The harder you work, the more quickly you will see financial freedom!

If this sounds like something you are interested in, fill out this application!
Coaching Apprentice Application

If we are not friends on Facebook and that is your preferred method of contact, PLEASE send me a friend request here so I can contact you!!!   I won't turn you down unless you're an obvious creeper.  ;)

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