Thursday, March 26, 2015

Help! I'm lost in a world of CLUTTER!

One of the three daily vital behaviors of being a Beachbody coach is reading personal development books.  I'm a book worm, so if the book is interesting to me, this isn't a problem.  We're supposed to read 10 minutes a day, but I read closer to an hour a day.  

Right now I am reading "You Can You Will" by Joel Osteen.  Whether you agree with his religious stance or not, he is a great motivational speaker.  I don't always agree with his religious views, but a lot of what he says does make sense.  This book is really changing my perspective on my own attitude about myself and my surroundings.  (I'm not officially endorsing this book, but rather just sharing my own personal opinion of it.)

Now I must admit, I am a totally messy person.  It bothers me sometimes, but most of the time, I just overlook it.  I am usually dressed nice and have my hair and makeup done, but my house and my car are just a cluttered mess.  Quite frankly, we just have way too much stuff for our small house, and I find it very difficult to organize.  I don't even really try.  I have noticed, though, that this affects other areas of my life.  I really find it hard to concentrate when I sit down at the computer to work or do homework when the house is a mess.  

In one part of the book, Osteen says that to be abundantly blessed, you need to take care of what you have.  This means your material possessions, your surroundings, your environment, and YOURSELF.  I have the taking care of myself part down pat.  I eat well, exercise daily, and keep my appearance nice.  My surroundings-not so much.  This is something I need to really work on.  It is an area of weakness for me.  So, this weekend, I am going to tackle first my bathroom since it's always a mess, and then I'm moving on to the kitchen.  One room at a time, I will get myself organized.  If you drive by this weekend and see me pitching stuff out the windows, don't be alarmed.  I'm just cleaning.  :)

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