Thursday, January 1, 2015

Week 1 - DONE!

Woo-hooooooo!!! It's day 7 of 60 of Insanity Max:30!!  You know what that means?!  REST DAY!  It also means I survived the first week! Rest days are normally a HUGE struggle for me but I am taking it today!  

After completing one full week, here are my thoughts on this program-IT KICKS ASS.  I am so glad it's only 30 minutes because on a couple of the days, I wanted to quit at minutes 10-30.  Haha!  But seriously, the satisfaction of finishing each workout is SO worth it.  I also LOVE the whole maxing out concept.  It gives you something to push for.  My goal during the first week was to max out after the first person on each workout video.  My goal for the rest of the program will to beat my own max out times!  

Okay, on to the results-do I see any crazy results in my body yet?  Of course not. It doesn't work like that. I probably didn't pick the best week to start, either, though.  With the holidays, treats are still everywhere.  I have avoided most, but have slipped up a couple of times.  I have still lost 2 pounds, though.  I haven't measured at this point.  

Does my body hurt everywhere?!  Not really.  There are a TON of squats, so my legs and butt did hurt the first couple of days, but they're getting better.  My triceps KILLED me after the first round of Tabata Power.  That has gotten better too, though!  

Is the program really INSANE??  No, not really.  It definitely works you hard, but there is a modifier for each workout, and I don't think it would be impossible for anyone to do if you set your mind to it.  A lot of it is determination and telling yourself "I CAN do this.  I WILL do this."

So after one week, I am very satisfied with this program, and I am VERY glad I decided to do it.  I am looking forward to seeing my results, especially now that the holidays are OVER and people can stop tricking me into eating cookies and junk.  ;)

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