Monday, May 4, 2015


You've seen my blog.  You've read my posts.  You know I'm a Beachbody coach.  Now you are wondering what EXACTLY is a Beachbody coach. and could YOU do it???

The answer is YES.  Honestly, ANYONE could do this.  All it takes is a willingness to improve your own life and health while helping others improve theirs.  You don't have to be a salesperson.  I'M not a salesperson.  I had a telemarketing job when I was 18 calling business to business.  I got fired after 3 months because I was SO BAD at it.  I HATE salespeople.  I would never be involved in a company like that.  I am a SHARE person.  I share my own experience with Beachbody products.  They work well for me.  I share the opportunity to join my monthly challenge groups on Facebook.  Challenge groups are what I firmly believe has led to my success in my health and fitness journey.  I share my journey of not only my physical fitness, but also my mental and spiritual fitness as well.  I hope that by doing this, I inspire others to take charge of their own health and wellness, even if it isn't with Beachbody programs.

So what exactly DO I do as a Beachbody coach besides be one of those super annoying, constant selfie-takers?  Well, I workout daily, I drink my Shakeology daily, I run a monthly accountability group for 10-30 people who are starting on their own journey, I mentor my new coaches and help them grow as coaches, I read or listen to 20 minutes of personal development a day, and I invite people to join me on this journey.

What's in it for me as a coach?  I get a super awesome discount every month on everything including my Shakeology (which you can also get without actually coaching!  Ask me how).  I get to take trips with my friends who are also coaches.  I get paid a nice compensation plan that has helped me massively pay off debt.  But most importantly, I get to HELP people.  I get to cry with them and try to help them through some of their biggest struggles.  I get to celebrate with them when they reach goals they never thought they'd reach.  I get to be their friend, cheerleader, and mentor.  And I get to do all of this and still have time to raise my babies and spend time with my family.

Honestly, I can't think of anything I would rather do in the whole world.  I am so unbelievably thankful for this opportunity.  It has been such a blessing in my life.  If this sounds like something you would like to do or want more information on, contact me here via email or fill out this application.  I am looking for 5 new people to mentor on my team who want to be their best, physically and mentally while earning financial freedom.

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