Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Adventures in Potty Training Part 2

If you missed the first part of our potty training adventure, you can find it here.  Let me tell you-this is not a task that is for the faint of heart.  It takes more work and patience than anything I've ever done.  

We are on day 5.  Monday was pretty uneventful.  Emy went to daycare with her "big girl boomers" and did quite well.  

Yesterday, I got the bright idea that we should go grocery shopping after I picked her up from daycare!  I didn't have a diaper with, extra pants, "boomers" or anything.  Oh, and the grocery store is about 35 miles from home.  Yep, I'm a genius.  

So we get to Target, and go right to the potty.  Now, I hate the auto flush toilets.  If you make one wrong move, they flush and if you're in the line of fire, you get sprayed with public toilet water because most seem to have aggression issues and flush as hard as possible.  GROSS.  Imagine being 2, barely 3 feet tall if that, just learning to use the big potty, and having the thing go off while you're sitting on it!  I have never in my life seen Emy move so fast or scream so loud.  This set off a chain reaction the rest of the night of "Do you need to go potty?"  "No!  The potty MEAN!"  

An hour or so later, we go to supper.  I asked her about 6 times if she needed to go potty and sat close to the bathroom so we could run if need be.  About 20 minutes into the meal, I found out the hard way that a 2-year-old bladder holds enough to fill up a booster seat and 2 snow boots.  Yep, that's right. She flooded the place, and I had no change of clothes.  

Off to JCP we go to buy new clothes!  We went into the restroom in the mall to change her into dry clothes, and guess what was in there?  More auto flush toilets!  Let me tell you, I have never changed her clothes so fast in all my life to avoid her having a total meltdown.  This child is SO easy going, so for her to have a meltdown, she has to be truly terrified.

Fast forward through the rest of the shopping trip and the ride home because they were uneventful.  We get home, and my oldest who is 9 ran to the bathroom.  Emy is hot on her heels yelling, "Sissy!! GET OUT!! Emy needs to go potty!!!!"  Ok, this is a GREAT sign!  Well, Rhianna is SLOOOOOWER than molasses in January.  About a minute later, I hear Emy crying. I asked her what was wrong.  She said, "I poopy on Doraaaaaaaa!!!!!"  

Now, normally, this might upset me a little bit, but I am going to take it as progress, because she KNEW she had to go potty and probably would've made it if her slow poke sister hadn't been homesteading in the bathroom.  We will call it a draw.  

Oh, and Rhianna is permanently banished to the downstairs bathroom. ;)

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