Thursday, February 12, 2015

Ultimate Reset, HERE I COME!

YOU GUYS!!!!  I am SO EXCITED!!  Yesterday, I ordered the Beachbody Ultimate Reset after seeing the AWESOME results one of my fellow coaches got from using it.  I have looked at it before, but was not too inclined to try it.  However, I have realized that I am a complete SLAVE to my cravings, and I'm not kicking them on my own.  Pizza? Love it.  Onion rings? Love them.  Big, fat, juicy cheeseburgers?  Love them!!!  

This stuff is fine in moderation, but I have lost the ability to moderate.  I have fallen completely off the food wagon, and I can't get back on.  

So what is the Ultimate Reset, you ask?  It is a comprehensive, no-starvation, inner-body tune-up that offers much more than the typical cleanse and detox programs on the market. The Ultimate Reset not only helps you eliminate toxins and waste gently and naturally, but it also maximizes your cellular energy production, helping your body process food more efficiently and your systems run more smoothly.  The best part?  You get to EAT!!!  And it's even normal food!  Just nothing processed, which is PERFECTLY FINE with me because I KNOW I need to give up processed garbage, I just haven't figured out how.  

It comes with a comprehensive meal plan that tells you EXACTLY what to eat and when.  I spent about 4 hours yesterday watching videos on YouTube from people who have done the Reset, and not a single one said they were hungry at any point during the program.  Most people in the videos I watched also lost anywhere from 5 to 40 lbs, dropped points on their cholesterol and lowered their blood pressure, too!!

The only thing I'm a little nervous and bummed about is that you can't work out for the whole three weeks because your body is trying to repair itself from the inside, so you don't want to put any additional stress on it.  I am afraid I won't want to get back into working out afterward!  BUT most of the people in the reviews I watched all said they feel so much more energetic afterward, so maybe I will want to exercise more after I finish!

If you want to join me on my 3-week journey with Beachbody Ultimate Reset, message me today so I can help you order or go here and we can support each other!

If you aren't ready to jump in yet, make sure you start checking in here daily starting on February 22 because I am going to do a daily review video of the program!!

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