Wednesday, January 21, 2015

I have WHAT!?!?!?!!!?

So I've been at this working out almost daily and clean eating thing for about 7 months.  While I have lost over 30 lbs and I do feel better, I don't feel great. I thought by now I would be feeling great.  I also thought I would have lost more weight.

I was reading a fellow coach's blog and it felt like she took the thoughts right out of my head.  Her blog post was about parasites and parasite cleansing. (You can read about her experience here.) I was disgusted and intrigued at the same time by what I was reading.  She recommended picking up "The Cure of All Diseases" by Dr. Hulda Clark.  I did.  I was SHOCKED.  And disgusted, but mostly shocked.  I had most of the symptoms of parasites that were on her list!  How on earth does this happen?!  I'm clean (I shower twice a day and wash my hands like a crazy person), I eat well, what gives?

It turns out parasites aren't particularly picky about who they inhabit.  You don't have to be dirty or live in poor conditions to get parasites.  Most people have them.  If you have pets, you're even more likely to have them. The list of symptoms include:

gas and bloating
painful menstruation
irritable bowel syndrome
joint and muscle aches
cravings, especially sugar
skin conditions – mostly irritation/itching at nose, ears, eyes, anus – but also potentially rashes, hives, eczema
sleep disorders
hyperactivity, anxiety
teeth grinding
chronic fatigue
fuzzy thinking
runny nose
blisters on lower lip inside mouth
loss of appetite
bad taste in the mouth
vomiting (may return several times a year)
weight gain OR may have trouble gaining weight, children especially
long-term presence may contribute to the development of food allergies
dark areas under eyes
yeast/candida infection, especially if it returns

I was honestly SHOCKED by some of these because I assumed they were just things that I had and could do nothing about like the dark circles under my eyes and the development of food allergies later in life.  And don't even get me STARTED on the bowel issues I've dealt with most of my life!  Let's just say I have NEVER been regular.  I always have one extreme or the other.

So I decided to take the bull by the horns and do this cleanse.  I was sick of feeling like crap even though I was doing what I thought was everything that should make me feel good.  I ordered the stuff off of Amazon, and on Sunday, I started.  Today I am on day 4.

I'll be honest.  The shake that you drink for the colon cleanse isn't bad.  Kinda thick, but doesn't have much taste.  The tincture, however, is HORRIBLE and hard to gag down the first few times.

Day 1 was pretty uneventful.  I did feel like I was getting constipated and my belly bloated up pretty good, but I drank a ton of water, chugged my Smooth Move tea before bed, and dealt with it. Day 2 I started to feel kind of blah.  I got the surprise of my life when I used the bathroom that day.  Let's just say this wasn't a bunch of hooey and you do not want to know what was expelled from my body.  o.O  It made me more determined to stick this long, 9 week process out.

Day 3 was pretty bad.  I felt like I had the flu.  I woke up in the middle of the night with the worst stomach pain I have ever had.  I ran to the bathroom pretty sure I was going to throw up.  I didn't, but I sure felt like crap all day (no pun intended).  I didn't do ANYTHING but hide in bed when I got home from work.

Today is day 4.  I don't feel flu-ish today, but I itch like crazy everywhere.  There are no rashes, so I'm not too concerned.  From my reading, I know this is a good sign because it means that the tincture is killing the parasites.  The itching is caused by the toxins being released as they die.  My belly was also the most flat today as it has been since I had kids. Mentally, I feel better than I have in months, maybe years.  My cravings aren't nearly as bad as they usually are, either.   All of this is a good sign, and I plan on going forward with this cleanse.

Stay tuned for more updates, and I promise not to share anything TOO gross.  ;)

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