Monday, January 12, 2015


Week two of Insanity Max:30 has come and gone.  I am very happy to report that I lost 4 lbs and over 3 inches in my first two weeks.  I am sad to report that the workouts do not get any easier.  Haha!!  

In all seriousness, the workouts really don't get easier, but that is because as you learn the moves and your body gets stronger, you are able to modify less and less.  Each time I've done a workout, I have been able to go just a little bit longer than last time before maxing out which is a HUGE win.  

I restarted week three today after a weekend of traveling for Beachbody Super Saturday.  After not working out all weekend and not making the best nutritional decisions, Cardio Challenge was......well, A CHALLENGE!  It took me a few minutes to recover from that one! 

I am very excited about what week 3 holds.  This week, a new workout is introduced-Tabata Strength.  I will report back in a few days!!  

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