Sunday, March 1, 2015

Beachbody Ultimate Reset-Day 1!

Day 1 of the Beachbody Ultimate Reset is DONE!!!

What is the Ultimate Reset, you ask? It is a cleanse/detox, but unlike most cleanses on the market now days, it doesn't make you starve, and it doesn't have any harsh laxative effects.

In three gentle phases over the course of 21 days, the Ultimate Reset takes you through the natural steps needed to help your body Reclaim and rebalance itself, Release harmful toxic compounds that may be stored within, and Restore your system to its maximum health.

 I started this Reset because I seem to have developed bad cravings for junk food again, and I'm struggling to kick them on my own.  I also have some very stubborn midsection fat that I cannot seem to get rid of no matter how much I work out.  I decided it was time to take the bull by the horns and just reset my whole system.

I am not too proud of my "before" picture, but I KNOW that I will not look like this in 21 days.  (Please ignore the messy bathroom. I have a 6 year old son. Haha.)

The supplements that come with this system are pretty tolerable, and the meal plan is AWESOME.  Not once today did I feel deprived or hungry at all.  Plus it comes with a nifty DVD that shows you how to make the recipes in the book.  I am very excited about having my meals laid out for me for the next 3 weeks because while I love to cook, I HATE to meal plan!

The only thing I wa really skeptical about was the Alkalinize.  Green liquids don't appeal to me.

 Luckily, it is only 4 oz, so I just slammed it.  It tastes like canned spinach.  It isn't delicious, but it's definitely tolerable!

As I am winding down day one, I am definitely feeling more tired than I usually do at 8 pm.  I'm sure it's from not having any caffeine today.  Other than that, I feel pretty normal.  I am so excited to see how I feel in 21 days!

Stay tuned for my daily summary of this awesome plan!

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