Monday, March 9, 2015

Ultimate Reset-Day 9!

I did much, much better today staying on plan.  I didn't make the sweet potato and roasted red pepper bisque because I was fighting a horrible headache all day, so I had leftover rice and beans and steamed broccoli for supper.  

The weather was so beautiful here today, and I really wanted to go for a walk, but my youngest wasn't feeling it, so I decided to fire up the new Beachbody On Demand and pick out a new yoga workout.  Since there are a total of 11 of Beachbody's most popular full programs on there, narrowing one down wasn't easy, but I decided to go with P90X3 Yoga, and I am SO glad I did!  It was just what I needed.  

I noticed that I am a lot more flexible than I was before I started doing the Reset, which is nice.  I used to be super flexible, but I've lost it somewhere over the years.  One of my goals is to get back into yoga and get flexible again.  

I am feeling really good except for this darn headache.  I can't figure out what it is from.  I'm not a heavy caffeine user, so I know it isn't from caffeine withdrawal, especially this far into the game.  Apparently I'm just really toxic.  I'll take the headache as a good sign because it means everything is getting worked out of my system.   

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