Sunday, March 8, 2015

Ultimate Reset-Day 8!

Day 8.  I made it through one whole week.  And today I bombed.  Big time.  I did okay for breakfast (a sliced apple and Shakeology because we were running late for church.)  I had a salad for lunch before the church council meeting.  I drank lots of water all day.  And then supper came, and my husband suggested we go out for supper because the two big kids were with Grandma for the night, and we just had the littlest one.  I had every intention of getting a caesar salad with no meat, dressing, or croutons.  Then we got there and I caved.  I ordered pizza.  And it was delicious.  I only ate one piece, and stopped. And I DIDN'T have any pop.  I was good there and drank two big glasses of water.  But I felt SO guilty afterward.  

Tomorrow is Monday.  Tomorrow I am getting my head back in the game and staying on track.  

Honestly, I am finding this detox to be a lot more of a mental challenge than anything.  I find it really hard to explain to people why I can't eat the cookie they're offering me.  I find myself wanting to lie and say I'm diabetic or something so that they'll leave me alone.  I can't even clearly explain what I'm thinking.  Physically, I don't really feel the cravings anymore.  My mouth doesn't water when I smell pizza or cookies or whatever.  It's all mental.  I never realized what an emotional eater I was until I started this.  I guess that's all part of the process.  

I must confess that I am really looking forward to being done and working out again.  Today was a beautiful day outside (over 30 degrees which is a heatwave in Minnesota right now), and I wanted SO BADLY to go for a run.  Just 15 more days.  I can do this.  I WILL do this!  And tomorrow, I will gag down beans.  :P

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