Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Ultimate Reset-Day 3

Today was rough.  It was one of those days where nothing goes right, and I just did not feel stable enough to handle it all today.  When the internet went down and work and didn't come back on for 3 hours, I took that as a sign and I went home.

The guide for the Ultimate Reset says it is normal to feel emotional at different points throughout the program, and I sure did today.  I felt like biting people's heads off at the drop of a hat.  I went home and took my frustrations out on my kitchen and cleaned it from top to bottom, even cleaning the microwave!

(Side note-if your microwave is SUPER gross like mine was, put a microwave safe bowl full of water with some apple cider vinegar into the microwave and turn on for 5 minutes. Let sit another 5 minutes after it goes off.  Everything inside will just wipe right out!)

Today was once again a day of HUGE portions.  There is definitely no starving on this plan!  Breakfast was by far my favorite meal.  I didn't eat all of my lunch.  I honestly didn't care for the creamy garlic salad dressing.  All I could taste was the apple cider vinegar, and I am NOT a vinegar fan.  I will be eating my salads naked for the rest of the program.

On the positive side, my headaches have gone away, and I'm not finding myself running to the bathroom every 15 minutes, so my body must be adjusting to all of this water.

I started reading the book Superlife by Darin Olien last night, and I'm only on the first chapter and have decided that I will be sticking to this type of eating after I finish the Reset as it is what is best for our bodies.  I may need to find an alternative to the tempeh and salmon though.  ;)

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