Monday, March 2, 2015

Ultimate Reset-Day 2!

Wow.  The first half of today was kind of rough.  I fell asleep at 8:30 last night, but I didn't sleep super well.  I got up at 6 like normal, and I did have a super yummy breakfast.  Really, who can eat all this food?!  It's so much!

I also discovered that plain organic yogurt tastes exactly like sour milk.  Yum!  Haha.  You are allowed to add a tiny bit of pure maple syrup to it, but I decided that if I'm cutting sweets, I'm cutting all sweets.  Yes, I'm kind of stubborn.

Most of the day, I had a BAD headache, and I just felt like a slug.  I also felt kind of sad for no apparent reason, but I read that that was normal in the program guide, so I wasn't too concerned.  And oh my gosh, did I ever ITCH everywhere!  From doing cleanses in the past, I know this is a good sign, though, as it means your body is starting to release toxins.

After I picked my kids up from school/daycare, we went to my grandma's house.  She had a PIZZA waiting for the kids, but not just any pizza-my FAVORITE overly processed, chemical laden frozen pizza.  I didn't eat any, though!!  I was quite proud of myself!  That is a HUGE step for me!

Around late afternoon, I suddenly had this burst of energy and this mental clarity.  I don't know where it came from, but I was able to sit down and knock out a two page paper for school in 15 minutes that I've been trying to write for 4 days with no luck!

I am still having some cravings, but I am also learning the difference already between actual cravings and wanting to eat out of habit/boredom.  I have been wearing my bracelet that came with my kit, and every time I get the urge to cheat, I look down, see it, and resist the urge.

So far, so good!

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