Saturday, March 14, 2015

Ultimate Reset-Day 13 & 14

Day 13 started out great.  I ate my fruit for breakfast, had a microgreen salad for lunch, remembered to take all my supplements on time, got my water in, and felt really good.  Then mid-day, I started to not feel so good.  As the day progressed, I felt worse and worse.  By evening, I had a full-blown case of the stomach flu.  Great.  

I started drinking Shakeology in July of 2014 and have not missed a single day since until I started doing Ultimate Reset.  I really truly believe that Shakeology keeps my immune system operating at peak performance because my whole entire family had influenza this winter, and I didn't get it.  My daughters both had strep throat which I am highly susceptible to, and I didn't get that either!  The worst thing I had all winter was a small case of the sniffles for a couple of days, and I'm normally sick several times in the winter.  There is a reason why they call it "The healthiest meal of the day."  I truly believe that all of the nutrients in it have helped improve my health so much.  

The point of the Ultimate Reset is to teach you to eat and eat the proper foods for your body to operate properly.  Therefore, Shakeology is allowed, but is not worked into the daily meal plan.  It is okay to sub it for breakfast or snack a few times a week, but it is encouraged to EAT your meals.  So while I have had it a few times for a snack or breakfast, I haven't been doing it every day like I normally do.  Never again will I miss a day.  I don't care what the reasoning is.  I have spent the last 18 hours running to the bathroom.  I am not enjoying this.  

I am not taking the detox supplement today as I believe it is just aggravating my poor system. I am also trying to still make smart decisions for food, but I am avoiding greens and other things high in fiber because I just don't need them today.   Tomorrow, I will resume on plan on day 15 assuming I am feeling better.  

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